I use Sublime Text 3, Atom.io, and Bracket.io as previous editors.
I am also really enjoying the new Visual Studio Code Editor for Mac.
Are there any code commen
There is https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=neilbrayfield.php-docblocker.
It's not as powerful as in PHPStorm. But it can detect function parameters and adds template lines for it.
It completes the block if you type /**[enter]
and then any typing within the block is formatted (e.g. hit enter on a line beginning with a * and another is inserted below with a *).
But one really nice feature of DocBlockr is that it scans the code below and adds @param statements in the block. VS Code does not appear to do this.
As of today, and release v1.1 there are not, however it is a highly voted feature. I would vote for this feature if you would find it useful, @mattferderer has posted the feature-links you should add your votes to. Until then, there are 2 plugins that work very well well used together:
Document This (ext install docthis
) will generate JsDoc style comments for many JsDoc style annotations. Use command Ctrl + Alt + D
on or inside of where you want to generate documentation.
This works well with the plugin "Complete JsDoc Tags"
Complete JsDoc Tags (ext install JSDocTagComplete
) Provides code completion for most JsDoc style annotations using Ctrl + space
Using these 2 plugins together works really efficiently. DocThis gives the initial generated comment with Ctrl + Alt + D
, and can then use ctrl + space
to add specific JsDoc annotations DocThis doesn't see/generate.
I didn't find the plugin "Add JsDoc Comments" @mattferderer mentions to be very useful. It only provides you with a @param
and @return
tag and nothing else...
If you want parameter comments for a functions or voids, just type /// as a bonus they will apear also in mouseover highlights
The Visual Studio Code Marketplace now has a doc block extension for JavaScript & others may be added soon. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=stevencl.addDocComments
Formerly, it had partial support for this. As mentioned by others, you could get it by typing /**
and then ENTER but only if you are in a JavaScript file. I don't believe it works in any other language.
A few similar features had been requested:
If you type /**
then ENTER and you get js doc format in visual studio code