How to list Enum\'s members in code? I have the following Enum:
Public Enum TestEnum As int32
First = 0
Second = 2
Third = 4
Fourth = 6
End Enum
You can simply iterate through all values like this:
Public Enum TestEnum As int32
First = 0
Second = 2
Third = 4
Fourth = 6
End Enum
For Each tstEnum As TestEnum In System.Enum.GetValues(GetType(TestEnum))
String.Format("Name: {0} Value: {1}",
Have you looked at Enum.GetValues ?
Edit: To clarify, yes you need to pass a Type not an instance of the enum to either method.
I have used George Filippakos answer since I wanted to know how to iterate through Enum
I also found out that you can do it using Type.GetEnumValues which has been available since .NET Framework 4.0
Here's the two ways you can use to iterate through Enum
Module Module1
Sub Main()
For Each tstEnum As TestEnum In System.Enum.GetValues(GetType(TestEnum))
Console.WriteLine($"Name: {tstEnum.ToString}, Value: {CType(tstEnum, Integer)}")
For Each tstEnum As TestEnum In GetType(TestEnum).GetEnumValues
Console.WriteLine($"Name: {tstEnum.ToString}, Value: {CType(tstEnum, Integer)}")
End Sub
Public Enum TestEnum
First = 1
Second = 2
Third = 3
End Enum
End Module
Name: First, Value: 1
Name: Second, Value: 2
Name: Third, Value: 3
Name: First, Value: 1
Name: Second, Value: 2
Name: Third, Value: 3
You need to pass a type, not a value, to the method.
Members = System.Enum.GetNames(GetType(TestEnum))
If you have an instance of your enum you can also use
Members = System.Enum.GetNames(Enum1.GetType())
Though I would recommend the first approach if you know the type you want.