Suggested initial Emacs config?

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感动是毒 2021-02-04 01:42

I would like to to try Emacs, and want to give it the best chance possible.

To do this, it seems like having a good .emacs file is important.

I prim

  • 2021-02-04 02:07

    You can look to my emacs configs, located on my site. Aquamacs-specific configuration you can find in separate file

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  • 2021-02-04 02:10

    Please check out emacs starter kit for some of the best defaults for emacs.

    You might also want to checkout this screencast

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  • 2021-02-04 02:14

    The most important configuration change that I have found is not one for your .emacs, but for your OS. In the "Keyboard & Mouse" system preferences, in the "Keyboard" tab, click "Modifier Keys..." at the bottom and then change "Caps Lock" to behave like "Control." Then train yourself to use the caps lock key (to the left of the "A") instead of the control key down in the corner. This will make the whole experience both far more productive and far more comfortable.

    see: Emacs on Mac OS X Leopard key bindings

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  • 2021-02-04 02:15

    You can try following extensions:

    (require 'smooth-scrolling)
    (require 'multiple-cursors)
    (require 'ace-jump-mode)
    (require 'expand-region)
    (require 'inline-string-rectangle)
    (require 'mark-more-like-this)
    (require 'key-chord)
    (require 'browse-kill-ring)
    (require 'idle-highlight-mode)
    (require 'htmlize)
    (require 'icicles)
    (require 'highlight-parentheses)
    (require 'golden-ratio)
    (require 'projectile)
    (require 'helm-projectile)
    (require 'rainbow-mode)
    (require 'anything-config)
    (require 'highlight-symbol)
    (require 'markerpen)
    (require 'flyspell)

    also you can distinguish TAB and C-i, then you'll have one more simple short-key.

    (define-key input-decode-map (kbd "C-i") (kbd "H-i"))
    (define-key input-decode-map (kbd "C-M-i") (kbd "H-M-i"))
    (global-set-key (kbd "H-i") 'kill-ring-save)
    (global-set-key (kbd "M-i") 'kill-ring-save)
    (global-set-key (kbd "H-M-i") 'ace-jump-line-mode)
    (global-set-key (kbd "C-c H-i") 'ido-switch-buffer)

    find more:

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  • 2021-02-04 02:16

    For emacs 24 you might like to have a look at emacs-prelude.

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  • 2021-02-04 02:18

    I've created a modular emacs config for myself. Feel free to take a look here.

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