I am not able to find what is the difference between these two python functions.
and update_wrapper
Can some give me
Normally you will just use wraps, which wraps *update_wrapper* . More:
partial ing a function = create a new function with some arguments bound to values
wraps partials *update_wrapper* with wrapped, thus creating a decorator for wrapper
*update_wrapper* 's purpose is to copy certain attributes (not arguments) from wrapped to wrapper. On default these are:
WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS = ('__module__', '__name__', '__qualname__', '__doc__', '__annotations__') WRAPPER_UPDATES = ('__dict__',)
A useful example:
from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest
from itertools import zip_longest
from collections import Iterable
from functools import wraps
def ziplongest(*args):
'''zip_longest with last element as filler
>>> args=([9],[2,3],1)
>>> [t for t in ziplongest(*args)]
[(9, 2, 1), (9, 3, 1)]
iterable = lambda a:(a if isinstance(a,Iterable) else [a])
_args = [iterable(a) for a in args]
withnone = zip_longest(*_args)
for e in withnone:
yield tuple((en or _args[i][-1]) for i,en in enumerate(e))
def listable(f):
'''apply f to list members
>>> @listable
... def mul(a,b):
... 'returns a*b'
... return a*b
>>> mul(2,[3,9])
[6, 18]
>>> mul.__doc__
'returns a*b'
@wraps(f)#without this e.g __doc__ would get hidden
def to_elems(*args,**kwargs):
if any(isinstance(x,list) for x in args):
return [f(*a,**kwargs) for a in ziplongest(*args)]
return f(*args,**kwargs)
return to_elems
is equivalent to:
def wraps(wrapped, assigned=WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS, updated=WRAPPER_UPDATES):
def decorator(wrapper):
return update_wrapper(wrapper, wrapped=wrapped, ...)
return decorator
It's actually implemented using partial
instead of an inner function, but the effect is the same.
The purpose is to allow using it as a decorator:
def g():
is equivalent to:
def g():
g = update_wrapper(g, f)