Is there a Vim plugin that can handle smart semicolon insertion, like the one in Eclipse?
Example (pipe character is insertion cursor):
I use the following function and a mapping to insert a semicolon to the end of the line and to delete the remaning spaces:
imap <leader>. <C-R>=Semicolonfun()<CR>
fun! Semicolonfun() "{{{
call setline(line('.'), substitute(getline('.'), '\s*$', ';', ''))
return "\<End>"
endfunction "}}}
So if you have something like:
log.warning("you miss the |identifier")
Pressing . or ,. if you remap the leader, you get the following:
log.warning("you miss the identifier");|
inoremap <expr> ;<cr> getline('.')[-1:] == ';' ? '\<Nop>' : '<End>;<CR>'
The code above will check if there is ;
at the end of the line.
If ;
not exists, then it will add ;
otherwise do nothing.
You should try Cosco.vim plugin.
For vscode vim users:
"vim.insertModeKeyBindings": [
"before": [";", ";"],
"after": ["<Esc>","A",";"]
I was inspired by romainl's answer above, but <C-o>
seems have a switch problem in vocode vim, so just use <Esc>
will work.
I use this mapping:
inoremap <leader>; <C-o>A;
It's not ;
because I use semicolons often and in more than one context.
is used to input a single normal mode command.A;
means "add a ;
at the end of the line".I want to do the same thing, I works on it whole night, tons of code, but at last, I got a simple solution.
inoremap ;<cr> <end>;<cr>
and if I am in a brace, I want to add a semicolon or a dot at the end, like this
I press ;;<cr>
or ..<cr>
to do this
inoremap ;<cr> <end>;<cr>
inoremap .<cr> <end>.
inoremap ;;<cr> <down><end>;<cr>
inoremap ..<cr> <down><end>.