I am moving to Angular from Knockout, and I have a few issues. I\'m assuming that I must be doing something a non-angular type of way.
A few hours later and I think I have my answer.
Using $scope.$watch.
$scope.$watch('(height * width) * 40', function(v) {$scope.cost = v;});
$scope.$watch('height + width', function() {$scope.cost = (Number(height) * Number(width)) * 40;});
This auto-updates any computables for watched variables. And it gives me a way to work with these without having to live inside curly brackets.
Also, the computed values can be reused and tracked for cascading updates:
$scope.$watch('height * width', function(v) {$scope.dim = v;});
$scope.$watch('dim * 40', function(v) {$scope.cost = v;});
So if height and/or width change, dim is updated, and since dim has changed, cost is updated.