I\'m trying to change the owner of a table:
sp_changeobjectowner \'OWNER.TABLENAME\', \'dbo\'
But when executing I get the error message:
The correct way to do this in SQL Server 2005 and up is to stop thinking about the prefix as an "owner." The sp_changeobjectowner procedure has been deprecated since SQL Server 2005, and you should instead be using schema DDL, e.g.:
ALTER SCHEMA dbo TRANSFER [current_owner].tablename;
To check the current "owner" (this may return multiple rows if you have more than one tablename
in multiple schemas):
SELECT s.name
FROM sys.schemas AS s
INNER JOIN sys.tables AS t
ON s.[schema_id] = t.[schema_id]
WHERE t.name = N'tablename';
Also be sure that you spell the object correctly. In a case-sensitive collation, for example, TABLENAME
and tablename
are not the same object, and spelling it with InCorrEcT CaSe could also lead to this error.
If dropping the table is an option, you can drop and recreate under the desired user. Just specify dbo in the create script. For example:
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[TableName] Script Date: 4/21/2014 1:26:37 PM ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TableName](
[Field1] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[Field2] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[Field3] [datetime] NOT NULL
Your statement is correct:
EXEC sp_changeobjectowner '<owner>.<tableName>', '<newOwner>'
If the error happend, try to check who is the current owner of the table:
EXEC sp_table_privileges '<tableName>'
SELECT 'Exec sp_changeobjectowner ''<CURRENTOWNER>.' + name + ''', ''dbo'' ' FROM sys.objects WHERE type IN ('U','P','V','FN')
Apply Following Steps
(1) Run Following Query on Sql Prompt (2) Copy The Result and Paste Again to New Sql Query and Again Execute
This is Change owner of your Tables, Views, Stored Procedures and Functions
To cover the case where a table exists within a constructed schema name like 'Common' (that is not related to a username), then it is the schema owner that needs to be changed.
alter authorization on schema::Common TO dbo;
That will change the objects within the schema to the specified owner 'dbo' and keep the table within 'Common'.
To list schema owners:
select db_name() as Db,
sch.name as SchemaName,
u.Name as Owner
from sys.schemas sch
join sys.sysusers u
on u.uid = sch.principal_id;