I have installed Oracle 12C Standard Edition. Everything works fine there. I have also connected the Oracle SQL Developer Client 4.0. From that I can access the tables, indexes
I faced same problem, solved by: Windows->reset windows to factory settings. After that everything worked fine
goto Menu of the Sql Developer windows-->Reset the Windows to Factory Settings
and then goto view menu ----> click DBA
it works.(Version
1.) Save your current SQL connection xml file located in windows 10: C:\Users\"youruseraccount"\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer\systemXXXXX\o.jdeveloper.db.connection.xxxxxx
2.)Now delete your SQL Developer Folder and sqldeveloper folder located in: C:\Users\"youruseraccount"\AppData\Roaming\
3.)Now delete the main sqldeveloper folder containing the actual SQL developer application files.This would be located wherever you initially unzipped the SQLDeveloper download.
4.)Download the latest version of SQL Developer and unzip wherever you like.
5.)Launch SQL developer and specify your JDK location.
6.)Copy your connections xml file to your roaming SQL Developer directory here: C:\Users\"youruseraccount"\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer\systemXXXXXX)\o.jdeveloper.db.connection.xxxxxx
7.)Launch SQL Developer and your DBA view should now be available after selecting view -> DBA
I have got this problem a month ago.
1-Go to C:\Documents and Settings\"your profile"\Application Data\SQL Developer
2-Save your connection : o.jdeveloper.db.connection.
3-delete the C:\Documents and Settings\"your profile"\Application Data\SQL Developer
4-restart SQL developer, will recreate the same directory structure.
5-exit SQL developer
6-copy the backup "o.jdeveloper.db.connection." to C:\Documents and Settings\"your profile"\Application Data\SQL Developer
7- you should be able to see the connection tab
Selecting the View->DBA menu item displays the "DBA" panel, on the left side of the SQL Developer window and somewhere below the "Connections" panel; the exact placement may vary a bit depending on which other panels you have displayed:
You then need to add a connection in that window' if you click the green plus sign you can choose an existing connection to add to this panel. Once you've done that you can expand the sections to see the tablespaces: