Async raspberry pi gpio events in nodejs

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伪装坚强ぢ 2021-02-04 00:09

I connected a button to the Raspberry Pi GPIO ports:


The pi-gpio node

  • 2021-02-04 00:42

    unfortunately there is no event generated when using the hardware GPIO. You can create an event by using an emitter and setInterval to create a timer that checks the status every so often and then emits an event out to your application.

    var ee = new process.EventEmitter(),
    ee.on('stateChange', function(previousValue, value){
      console.log('button state changed from', previousValue, 'to', value);
    setInterval(function(){, function(err, value) {
          ee.emit('error', err);
        } else{
          if(buttonState !== value){
            var previousState = buttonState;
            buttonState = value;
            ee.emit('stateChange', previousState, value);
    }, 50); //check button state every 50ms

    You can tune the timer to your requirements. I think 50ms is a good number as it is not possible for the human eye to detect the difference if it is faster.

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  • 2021-02-04 00:42

    As an aside, there is a project very similar to node.js (however much more cut-down) called Espruino.

    This runs on Raspberry Pi (and many low power ARMs microcontrollers too), supports HTTP, and has a function called setWatch which behaves in exactly the way you require.

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  • 2021-02-04 00:47

    I just came accross this modulle

    I have not looked in depth to it but is seems it uses the setInterval method in the background.

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  • 2021-02-04 00:57

    I'd suggest using the module called onoff.

    It has the ability to watch a value-file while not taxing the cpu with polling in intervals.

    I made a small test-app with node.js to try out leds and buttons with it, you can check it out here.

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