Somewhat inspired by this question about a graphical programming environment. I don\'t think that C++ or C# are really conducive to this type of environment, but perhaps there\
I think Xcode 3 does roughly what you want, especially with Focus Follows Selection enabled. Individual blocks are highlighted as you hover over them in the sidebar.
The closest thing that I've seen is Codekana, although doesn't have "background syntax-highlighting" it colorizes the different flow-control structures:
Coderush does structural highlighting:
It quite feasible you could write your own plugin with DevExpress that achieves your exact original screen shot.
The current BlueJ editor does exactly what you describe:
The Visual Studio IDE does this already, but with a different visualization - you can expand and contract nested blocks by clicking the +/- buttons on the left margin.
allmargins extension works for me in visual studio 2010
Tool-->Exention Manager --> search for allmargins