Is it possible to play already existing system sounds without importing your own?
adapted from @yannc2021
if you want to use system sound in Swift
// import this
import AVFoundation
// add this method
required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
// declared system sound here
let systemSoundID: SystemSoundID = 1104
// to play sound
AudioServicesPlaySystemSound (systemSoundID)
This cocoa-only solution uses existing audio files to play sounds. This method can be used to play any sound file. AVFoundation.framework will have to be added to your frameworks. You will have to define or remove the macros I use which are self explanatory.
I added a category to AVAudioPlayer as follows:
#import <AVFoundation/AVAudioPlayer.h>
@interface AVAudioPlayer ( CapSpecs )
+ (AVAudioPlayer*) click;
+ (AVAudioPlayer*) tink;
+ (AVAudioPlayer*) tock;
+ (AVAudioPlayer*) withResourceName: (NSString*) aName;
#import "AVAudioPlayer+.h"
@implementation AVAudioPlayer ( CapSpecs )
+ (AVAudioPlayer*) click {
StaticReturn ( [AVAudioPlayer withResourceName: @"iPod Click"] );
+ (AVAudioPlayer*) tink {
StaticReturn ( [AVAudioPlayer withResourceName: @"Tink"] );
+ (AVAudioPlayer*) tock {
StaticReturn ( [AVAudioPlayer withResourceName: @"Tock"] );
+ (AVAudioPlayer*) withResourceName: (NSString*) aName {
NSBundle* zBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier: @""];
NSURL* zURL = [zBundle URLForResource: aName withExtension: @"aiff"];
(void) RaiseIfNil ( nil, zURL, ([SWF @"URL for %@",aName]) );
NSError* zError = nil;
AVAudioPlayer* zAudio = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL: zURL error: &zError];
RaiseError ( nil, zError, @"AVAudioPlayer init error" );
#ifdef DEBUG
// Apple records the console dump which occurs as a bug in the iOS simulator
// all of the following commented code causes the BS console dump to be hidden
int zOldConsole = dup(STDERR_FILENO); // record the old console
freopen("/dev/null", "a+", stderr); // send console output to nowhere
(void)[zAudio prepareToPlay]; // create the BS dump
fflush(stderr); // flush the console output
dup2(zOldConsole, STDERR_FILENO); // restore the console output
return zAudio;
This code plays apple system sound "Tock.aiff"..I believe you can play different system sounds using this
NSString *path = [[NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@""] pathForResource:@"Tock" ofType:@"aiff"];
SystemSoundID soundID;
AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID((CFURLRef)[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path], &soundID);
See this thread
List of all system sounds: iOSSystemSoundsLibrary
After you import AVKit
, you can play all this sounds with:
AudioServicesPlaySystemSound (systemSoundID);