Using the WPF Dispatcher in unit tests

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北恋 2020-11-27 02:48

I\'m having trouble getting the Dispatcher to run a delegate I\'m passing to it when unit testing. Everything works fine when I\'m running the program, but, during a unit te

  • 2020-11-27 03:26

    You can unit test using a dispatcher, you just need to use the DispatcherFrame. Here is an example of one of my unit tests that uses the DispatcherFrame to force the dispatcher queue to execute.

    public void DomainCollection_AddDomainObjectFromWorkerThread()
     Dispatcher dispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;
     DispatcherFrame frame = new DispatcherFrame();
     IDomainCollectionMetaData domainCollectionMetaData = this.GenerateIDomainCollectionMetaData();
     IDomainObject parentDomainObject = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IDomainObject>();
     DomainCollection sut = new DomainCollection(dispatcher, domainCollectionMetaData, parentDomainObject);
     IDomainObject domainObject = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IDomainObject>();
     bool raisedCollectionChanged = false;
     sut.ObservableCollection.CollectionChanged += delegate(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
      raisedCollectionChanged = true;
      Assert.IsTrue(e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, "The action was not add.");
      Assert.IsTrue(e.NewStartingIndex == 0, "NewStartingIndex was not 0.");
      Assert.IsTrue(e.NewItems[0] == domainObject, "NewItems not include added domain object.");
      Assert.IsTrue(e.OldItems == null, "OldItems was not null.");
      Assert.IsTrue(e.OldStartingIndex == -1, "OldStartingIndex was not -1.");
      frame.Continue = false;
     WorkerDelegate worker = new WorkerDelegate(delegate(DomainCollection domainCollection)
     IAsyncResult ar = worker.BeginInvoke(sut, null, null);
     Assert.IsTrue(raisedCollectionChanged, "CollectionChanged event not raised.");

    I found out about it here.

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  • 2020-11-27 03:26

    If your goal is to avoid errors when accessing DependencyObjects, I suggest that, rather than playing with threads and Dispatcher explicitly, you simply make sure that your tests run in a (single) STAThread thread.

    This may or may not suit your needs, for me at least it has always been enough for testing anything DependencyObject/WPF-related.

    If you wish to try this, I can point you to several ways to do this :

    • If you use NUnit >= 2.5.0, there is a [RequiresSTA] attribute that can target test methods or classes. Beware though if you use an integrated test runner, as for example the R#4.5 NUnit runner seems to be based on an older version of NUnit and cannot use this attribute.
    • With older NUnit versions, you can set NUnit to use a [STAThread] thread with a config file, see for example this blog post by Chris Headgate.
    • Finally, the same blog post has a fallback method (which I've successfully used in the past) for creating your own [STAThread] thread to run your test on.
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  • 2020-11-27 03:26

    I'm using MSTest and Windows Forms technology with MVVM paradigm. After trying many solutions finally this (found on Vincent Grondin blog) works for me:

        internal Thread CreateDispatcher()
            var dispatcherReadyEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            var dispatcherThread = new Thread(() =>
                // This is here just to force the dispatcher 
                // infrastructure to be setup on this thread
                Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { }));
                // Run the dispatcher so it starts processing the message 
                // loop dispatcher
            dispatcherThread.IsBackground = true;
               .SetSynchronizationContext(new DispatcherSynchronizationContext());
            return dispatcherThread;

    And use it like:

        public void Foo()
                       .Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new DispatcherDelegate(() =>
                _barViewModel.Command.Executed += (sender, args) => _done.Set();
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  • 2020-11-27 03:30

    I solved this problem by creating a new Application in my unit test setup.

    Then any class under test which access to Application.Current.Dispatcher will find a dispatcher.

    Because only one Application is allowed in an AppDomain I used the AssemblyInitialize and put it into its own class ApplicationInitializer.

    public class ApplicationInitializer
        public static void AssemblyInitialize(TestContext context)
            var waitForApplicationRun = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>()
            Task.Run(() =>
                var application = new Application();
                application.Startup += (s, e) => { waitForApplicationRun.SetResult(true); };
        public static void AssemblyCleanup()
    public class MyTestClass
        public void MyTestMethod()
            // implementation can access Application.Current.Dispatcher
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