How do I change the color of the selected code in Vim?
There are three selection modes, Visual Line
mode or Visual Block
mode, and selecting wi
My highlight
:hi Visual cterm=none ctermbg=darkgrey ctermfg=cyan
More xterm colors:
mu color scheme is molokai, and I found that this configuration is the best for me:
highlight Visual cterm=bold ctermbg=Blue ctermfg=NONE
check out my vimrc @
How to set the color of the selected code in vi?
I'm using VIM 7.3 on Ubuntu and this does it for me within the editor:
:syntax on
:hi Visual term=reverse cterm=reverse guibg=Grey
I'm using a colorscheme defined in the /home/youruser/.vim/colors/mycolorscheme.vim file. I set the command there and the changes take effect when vim starts.
syntax on
hi Visual term=reverse cterm=reverse guibg=Grey
Selection color for gvim is set by the following line:
hi Visual guifg=#000000 guibg=#FFFFFF gui=none
You can use named color values instead of the #nnnnnn RGB codes. Your existing line is set for black foreground and white background, just as you observed.
For example, if you want a light blue background with white foreground:
hi Visual guifg=White guibg=LightBlue gui=none
Be sure the color file you are editing is in the vim7x/colors directory so both vim and gvim can find it. Its exact location can vary a bit depending on your OS platform.
I just change my color scheme file (~/.vim/colors/solarized.vim
), and set 'Visual'
to the same value as 'CursorLine'
I like the style of CursorLine
as it is transparent and keep the selected elements's syntax highlight color.
Replace the line that contains exe "hi! Visual"
with the following line:
exe "hi! Visual" .s:fmt_uopt .s:fg_none .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_base1
:highlight Visual cterm=NONE ctermbg=0 ctermfg=NONE guibg=Grey40
Like so: