I want to wrap(re-project) one variable in this netcdf file.
D:\\ gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 NETCDF:"C:\\fie.nc":var "C:\\Desktop\\SM.img"
You can also use the --config switch:
D:\ gdalwarp --config GDAL_DATA "D:/my/gdal/data" -t_srs EPSG:4326 NETCDF:"path":Soil_Moisture "C:\Desktop\SM.img"
See: http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/ConfigOptions
for information on config options.
You can edit the environment variables graphically in Windows (e.g., this, or this).
Add a System variable with name GDAL_DATA
and value of the path to the shared GDAL data (a folder with a several files, like coordinate_axis.csv
, gcs.csv
, pcs.csv
, and other files).
To make the environment variable effective, you need to run cmd.exe
, or log-out, or other method.
See also: http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/FAQInstallationAndBuilding#HowtosetGDAL_DATAvariable
GDAL library and command-line tools are available via (e.g.) conda install gdal
variable is properly set when the environment is activated. This is done for you if you start an Anaconda Prompt, otherwise you can activate the environment as documented.
I tried to set the GDAL_DATA variable programmatically(C#) and @turgay's solution didn't work for me. here I found the working way:
OSGeo.GDAL.Gdal.SetConfigOption("GDAL_DATA", path+@"\gdal\data");
On the command prompt, I used to set the GDAL_DATA path by pointing to where (and which gdal-data) to use:
set GDAL_DATA=C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\gdal-data
I learned it from http://clhenrick.github.io/thesis-blog/procrastination/portfolio-work/2014/09/27/procrastinating/ I always needed to do the above even though I already set it up in my environment variables. My problem seemed to be an installation issue but I didn't want to reinstall anything...yet.
As a temporary solution, while I did not have time for a more permanent one, I deleted the existing GDAL_DATA path in my environment variables, shut down the computer, turned it on, created a new one, shut down the computer, turned it on again. FIXED!
Complete shut-down not restart due to the quirky behaviour of my system.
You can also use for making programmatically(with C# API). Sample code:
string path = @"C:\abc\";
_SetValueNewVariable("GDAL_DATA", path + "\\data");
_SetValueNewVariable("GEOTIFF_CSV", path + "\\data");
_SetValueNewVariable("GDAL_DRIVER_PATH", path + "\\gdalplugins");
private static void _SetValueNewVariable(string sVar, string sValue)
if (System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(sVar) == null)
System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(sVar, sValue);