I have a text area field where i need to provide information about the word count when the user enters some text in the field. Length of the field is supposed to be 500 Ch
Simplest way to count:
var count = $("#your_textarea").val().length;
Try to use this plugin feature
jquery-character-counter from jqeasy.com
i use
jQuery Textarea Characters Counter Plugin
Examples and documentation at: http://roy-jin.appspot.com/jsp/textareaCounter.jsp
I was having trouble with the onkeydown event and had success with onkeyup. Here's the code I came up with to count down the remaining characters (with a limit of 120)
$(function() {
var input = $('#my-input'), display = $('.char-count'), count = 0, limit = 120;
count = input.val().length
remaining = limit - count
input.keyup(function(e) {
count = $(this).val().length;
remaining = limit - count;
function update(count) {
var txt = ( Math.abs(count) === 1 ) ? count + ' Character Remaining' : count + ' Characters Remaining'
$("#your-text-area").on('keyup', function(event) {
var currentString = $("#your-text-area").val()
$("Your Div").html(currentString.length);
if (currentString.length <= 500 ) { /*or whatever your number is*/
//do some css with your div
} else {
//do some different stuff with your div