I want to add Incrementing Numbers with words by Multicursor in jetbrains IDE(IntelliJ IDEA) .
Is there any way to do it by Live template? I want to do things like this
The plugin is not working on my WebStorm, there could be another way using unix command line:
seq 1 10 | xargs printf 'string%d\n'
in Visual Studio Code:
block select using alt+shift+a
then ctrl+shift+p
type increment and you will see Emmet: Increment by 1
Hit enter.
you can do your custom emmet by typing the correct line, e.g. Emmet: Decrement by 5.3
Tried plugin "String Manipulation" ... But ( June18, 2019) does not work in Clion 2019.2
I thought the String Manipulation plugin was broke, but it was just because I didn't get things set up correctly. I guess I thought it was automagical.
Make sure that you have a "0
" for each string/line that you'd like to increment.
Try copying this HTML and pasting it into your JetBrains IDE:
<textarea>String 0</textarea>
<textarea>String 0</textarea>
<textarea>String 0</textarea>
<textarea>String 0</textarea>
<textarea>String 0</textarea>
Select everything between the <label>
And use the shortcut ⌥M (or search everywhere with ⇧⇧) and use Repeat - Create Sequence
You could use String Manipulation plugin to do that (Increment/Decrement | Increment duplicate numbers