When I run this task:
task tmpTask << {
project.properties.each {println \" $it\"}
I see:
project.properties is a Map<String, ?>
So you can use
You can also use the property() method (but that looks in additional locations):
Add prop to the file gradle.properties
Add -Pxxx end of commandline.
./gradlew -q readPropertiesTask -Phi2=tete
Several properties:
./gradlew -q readPropertiesTask -Phi2=tete -Phi3=rr
val propFromFile = project.properties["hi1"]
println("propFromFile = $propFromFile")
For anyone else's benefit. If the property you define is not dot separated, then you can simply refer to it directly.
In your gradle.properties
myProperty=This is my direct property
my.property=This is my dotted property with\t\t tabs \n and newlines
In your build.gradle
// this works
println myProperty
println project.property('my.property')
// this will not
println my.property