I have recently installed PostGIS on my Mac (El Capitan 10.11.4, Postgres is version 9.5.1) using Homebrew, and I am following these instructions - http://morphocode.com/how-to-
Posting this in case it helps someone else:
I was having this same problem as the OP after a hard reboot when my laptop crashed. What helped me was running the following command to see what PID was associated with postmaster.pid:
cat /usr/local/var/postgres/postmaster.pid
The first number that appears will be the PID. Looking in Activity Monitor, I was able to see that Postgres was running, but without a PID number that matched the one shown.
Instead of the steps outlined in the answer referenced on Superuser, I restarted my laptop properly and then opened up Terminal and ran
brew services restart postgresql
This worked without having to remove postmaster.pid, which I saw a few other posts recommend. Sometimes it's the simple solutions that work.
It often happens to me in OSx, when my system shutdown unexpectedly.
You can just remove the file postmaster.pid
cd Library/Application Support/Postgres/var-{postgres-version}
and remove the postmaster.pid file
restart the Postgres by using this command
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres restart
If you have installed postgres with brew then simply run the following command and it will manage everything
brew services restart postgresql
If you got no important data to lose :
sudo killAll postgres
brew services restart postgresql
AGAIN : You could get data corrupted by doing this !
do it at your own risk !
Postmaster is the main PostgreSQL process. You're trying to start PostgreSQL that's already running (and you're saying yourself you can connect to it). Just skip that step of your process.
Since you can connect to the database, you don't need to start the server again - it's already running.
pg_ctl is used to control the PostgreSQL server. Since your server is already started, your command:
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
Returns an error, saying that there is a lock on postmaster.pid
- which is true since there is already a server running under that PID.
There are two ways:
You could stop your server doing :
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop
So that you won't have the lock on postmaster anymore and you could use your command to start it again.