How to replace the last occurrence of a substring in ruby?

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南笙 2021-02-03 20:08

I want to replace the last occurrence of a substring in Ruby. What\'s the easiest way? For example, in abc123abc123, I want to replace the last abc

  • 2021-02-03 21:05

    Since Ruby 2.0 we can use \K which removes any text matched before it from the returned match. Combine with a greedy operator and you get this:

    'abc123abc123'.sub(/.*\Kabc/, 'ABC')
    #=> "abc123ABC123"

    This is about 1.4 times faster than using capturing groups as Hirurg103 suggested, but that speed comes at the cost of lowering readability by using a lesser-known pattern.

    more info on \K:

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  • 2021-02-03 21:11

    I've used this handy helper method quite a bit:

    def gsub_last(str, source, target)
      return str unless str.include?(source)
      top, middle, bottom = str.rpartition(source)

    If you want to make it more Rails-y, extend it on the String class itself:

    class String
      def gsub_last(source, target)
        return self unless self.include?(source)
        top, middle, bottom = self.rpartition(source)

    Then you can just call it directly on any String instance, eg "fooBAR123BAR".gsub_last("BAR", "FOO") == "fooBAR123FOO"

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  • 2021-02-03 21:12

    You can achieve this with String#sub and greedy regexp .* like this:

    'abc123abc123'.sub(/(.*)abc/, '\1ABC')
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  • 2021-02-03 21:12
    string = "abc123abc123"
    pattern = /abc/
    replacement = "ABC"
    matches = string.scan(pattern).length
    index = 0
    string.gsub(pattern) do |match|
      index += 1
      index == matches ? replacement : match
    #=> abc123ABC123
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