My problem is the next. I would use relatively large texts as CollapsingToolbarLayout title so I need to show it as multiline mode. When I try to change text appearance through
A simpler approach would be to add a custom layout added to the CollapsingToolbar and pin it.
Some of the notes to take care:
Checkout the full code here. The final result is:
This doesn't seem to be supported at present. A possible workaround is to use your own view and hide the toolbar title when expanded. One approach to do this is here:
Hopefully a future version of the Support Library will add this.
Checkout this library multiline-collapsingtoolbar.
multiline-collapsingtoolbar is a replacement for CollapsingToolbarLayout from the Android Design Support Library which can deal with multiline titles (currently hard-coded to a maximum of 3 lines) in the expanded state. When collapsing the toolbar, the lower lines of the title fade away to leave only the top line visible.
As the Design Support Library, it should be compatible with API 7 (Android 2.1) and above
With the release of new Material Design 1.2.0-alpha05 this feature is implemented as a native function.
implement material library with version after(1.2.0-alpha05):
implementation ''
Add this line to XML of Collapsing Toolbar Layout (this example I set 2 lines as max)
Alternatively you can set it programmatically
I did this with help from this library
add the library to your project
and replace the CollapsingToolbarLayout
with net.opacapp.multilinecollapsingtoolbar.CollapsingToolbarLayout