I have the following struct
which contains a net/http.Request
type MyRequest struct {
PathParams map[string]strin
As Jeremy shows above, the "name" of an anonymous field is the same as the type of the field. So if the value of x were a struct containing an anonymous int, then x.int would refer to that field.
req := new(MyRequest)
req.PathParams = pathParams
req.Request = origRequest
req := &MyRequest{
PathParams: pathParams
Request: origRequest
See: http://golang.org/ref/spec#Struct_types for more about embedding and how the fields get named.
What about:
func New(origRequest *http.Request, pathParams map[string]string) *MyRequest {
return &MyRequest{*origRequest, pathParams}
It shows that instead of
New(foo, bar)
you might prefer just
&MyRequest{*foo, bar}