I needed the new function in ActiveStorage to resize_to_fill so I upgraded to Ruby 2.5.1 and Rails 6.
ruby \'2.5.1\'
gem \"rails\", github: \"rails/rails\"
The Blocked Host is a new feature of Rails 6. You can add this pattern to your config/environments/development.rb
to have no worries of that in case of dynamic urls
config.hosts << /[a-z0-9]+\.c9users\.io/
Also for ngrok user, just replace above c9users
by ngrok
Source: https://github.com/MikeRogers0/puma-ngrok-tunnel
This article worked for me:
The first option is to whitelist the hostnames in config/environments/development.rb
Rails.application.configure do
config.hosts << "hostname" # Whitelist one hostname
config.hosts << /application\.local\Z/ # Whitelist a test domain
The second option is to clear the entire whitelist, which lets through requests for all hostnames:
Rails.application.configure do
Credit goes to Manfred Stienstra.
As I said above in my comment, here's what I did. Reposted due to down-votes.
I added Rails.application.config.hosts << "xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx.c9users.io" to config/application.rb and it fixed my test app fine. Then I did it to my real app and it also worked. The problem is, Devise threw an error as well, which apparently won't be fixed until at least Rails 6 beta. I guess I'm going back to Carrierwave for my image sizing needs until ActiveStorage is more mature.
If you want to disable this functionality on your development environment, you can set
config.hosts = nil
in config/environments/development.rb
Simple solution:
Add this line to config/environments/development.rb
config.hosts << /[a-z0-9]+\.ngrok\.io/
Restart your rails server and it will work
In Rails 6 Action Pack introduced ActionDispatch::HostAuthorization and by default allows only [IPAddr.new(“”), IPAddr.new(“::/0”), “localhost”]
You can add arrays of RegExp, Proc, IPAddr and String or a single String in the file config/application.rb like this
class Application < Rails::Application
config.hosts << "xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx.c9users.io"
From "https://drivy.engineering/rails-6-unnoticed-features":
Rails 6 added a new middleware called ActionDispatch::HostAuthorization allowing you to whitelist some hosts for your application and preventing Host header attacks. You can easily configure it with a String, IPAddr, Proc and RegExp (useful when dealing with wildcard domains).