I installed a build agent on Windows 7 and always have the agent show up as \"disconnected\". The log teamcity-agent.txt shows below information
If this is the
First, make sure in the TeamCity website dashboard to authorize the agent if you haven't done so already.
Next, make sure the agents "ownPort" is not blocked by a firewall on the agent. This is the port that TeamCity will use to send messages to the agent. The value can be defined in "${agent.home}/conf/buildAgent.properties".
As of TeamCity 2017.2.1, the "ownPort" is not present, nor is there any embedded documentation (i.e. commented out examples). The default value is 8080, but you can just add the property and value you want like this:
## Defines which port the agent will use to receive messages from TeamCity.
## Defaults to 8080 if not present.