I am using the Official MongoDB C# Drive v0.9.1.26831, but I was wondering given a POCO class, is there anyway to ignore certain properties from getting inserted.
For ex
You should probably want to combine the two attributes BsonIgnoreExtraElements and BsonIgnore. The reason for that is although BsonIgnore will not insert the "IsOwner" property to you DB but if you have "old" instances in your DB that contained this field and you will remove this fields from your model in the feature or extend your "GroceryList" class and use your new class in the DB will get an exception:
"Element 'IsOwner' does not match any field or property of class."
Another way (instead of editing you model class) is to use "Register Class Map" with "SetIgnoreExtraElements" and "UnmapMember" together.
In your case just add this code when you initialize your driver:
BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap(cm =>
cm.UnmapMember(m => m.IsOwner);
You can read more about Mongo Class Mapping in: