For a while, I\'ve been representing large powers of 10 in constants using scientific notation, just so I don\'t have to count the zeros. e.g.
#define DELAY_USE
It seems that gcc
assumes a constant defined using scientific notation as a floating point number unless it is cast.
A simple C code shows this:
#define DELAY_USEC_FP 1e6
#define DELAY_USEC_INT (unsigned int) 1e6
int main()
printf("DELAY_USEC_FP: %f\n", DELAY_USEC_FP);
return 0;
On a x86-64 machine, gcc
generates this assembly code ($ gcc -S define.c
; 0x4696837146684686336 = 1e6 in double-precision FP IEEE-754 format
movabsq $4696837146684686336, %rax
call printf
movl $1000000, %esi
call printf
movl $0, %eax
As stated here, 10e15 and 10e22 are the maximum power of ten numbers that have an exact representation in simple and double-precision floating-point format, respectively.
Larger power of ten numbers can not be represented using 32-bit or 64-bit integer types.