Starting point:
fn :: [a] -> Int
fn = (2 *) . length
Let\'s say we only want to constrain the return value, then we could write:
I've been looking for a way to say 'x
's type unifies with T
'. The solutions given by Will Ness and chi are close to what I came up with, but there is a way to do it in Haskell 98, without butchering your own function.
-- Your function, without type signature.
fn = (2 *) . length
-- The type signature, without actual definition.
fnTy :: [Char] -> a
fnTy = undefined
-- If this type checks, then the type of 'fn' can be unified
-- with the type of 'fnTy'.
fn_unifies_with_type :: ()
fn_unifies_with_type = let _ = fn `asTypeOf` fnTy in ()
You could even go for just
fn = (2 *) . length
_ = fn `asTypeOf` (undefined :: [Char] -> a)