ts-node ignores d.ts files while tsc successfully compiles the project

前端 未结 4 644
伪装坚强ぢ 2021-02-03 17:20

Having compiled my TypeScript project successfully, I intended to run it in VS Code\'s debug mode using ts-node. Problem is, ts-node can\'t find

  •  醉梦人生
    2021-02-03 18:03

    I spent way to much time on this issue tried almost everything like adding to typeRoots my typings folder, creating typing folder with structure typings/module/index.d.ts but nothing worked out so now I've figured it out now what the above answer meant

    With a new version of ts-node I've changed for my project's scripts:

    ts-node@6: ts-node src/index.ts
    ts-node@7: ts-node --files src/index

    So your script will be changed to something like below

    "scripts": {
        "dev": "nodemon --exec ts-node --files src/index",

    With the above in action your compile time increase a lot but I couldn't spend more time on this so I'm sticking to the above.

    You also might like to visit https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-node#help-my-types-are-missing.
