8-queens problem in Python.
Hi! I only start teaching Python, so could someone explain the code written below (found in the Internet)? Some pieces of the code are compli
This is the source program where the output of this code will be generated in the separate file name as "queen.txt"
import json
import sys
def under_attack(col, queens):
x = y = col
for r, c in reversed(queens):
x , y = x - 1, y + 1 #check for the prev queen location
if c in (x , col, y):
return True
return False
def solve(n): # n is the number of queens to be placed
if n == 0:
return [[]]
smaller_solutions = solve(n - 1)
return [solution+[(n,i+1)]
for i in xrange(BOARD_SIZE)
for solution in smaller_solutions
if not under_attack(i+1, solution)] #call the function
former, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, open('queen.txt','w')
for answer in solve(BOARD_SIZE):
print answer
results, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, former #former is used for ip & op
print json.dumps(answer) #dumps is used to write in json file
output file will like this [(1, 4), (2, 2), (3, 7), (4, 3), (5, 6), (6, 8), (7, 5), (8, 1)] [(1, 5), (2, 2), (3, 4), (4, 7), (5, 3), (6, 8), (7, 6), (8, 1)] [(1, 3), (2, 5), (3, 2), (4, 8), (5, 6), (6, 4), (7, 7), (8, 1)] . . . . [(1, 4), (2, 7), (3, 5), (4, 2), (5, 6), (6, 1), (7, 3), (8, 8)] [(1, 5), (2, 7), (3, 2), (4, 6), (5, 3), (6, 1), (7, 4), (8, 8)]