Currently working my way through this beginners book and have completed one of the practice projects \'Comma Code\' which asks the user to construct a program which:
def listall(lst): # everything "returned" is class string
if not lst: # equates to if not True. Empty container is always False
return 'NONE' # empty list returns string - NONE
elif len(lst) < 2: # single value lists
return str(lst[0]) # return passed value as a string (do it as the element so
# as not to return [])
return (', '.join(str(i) for i in lst[:-1])) + ' and ' + str(lst[-1])
# joins all elements in list sent, up to last element, with (comma, space)
# AND coverts all elements to string.
# Then inserts "and". lastly adds final element of list as a string.
This isn't designed to answer the original question. It's to show how to define the function addressing all the matters requested by the book without being complex. I think that's acceptable as the original question posts the books "Comma Code" test. Important Note: Something I found confusing that might help others is. "a list value" means a value of type list or "an entire list" it doesn't mean an individual value (or slices) from "type list". Hope that's helpful
Here are the samples I used to test it:
empty = []
ugh = listall(empty)
test = ['rabbits', 'dogs', 3, 'squirrels', 'numbers', 3]
ughtest = listall(test)
supertest = [['ra', 'zues', 'ares'],
['Who said', 'biscuits', 3, 'or', 16.71]]
one = listall(supertest[0])
two = listall(supertest[1])
last = listall(supertest[2])