I am creating an Eclipse RCP application.
I am following Joel\'s advice in the following article \"Daily Builds are your friend\":
Another nice trick when automating installer building is to use the GetFileVersion
preprocessor (ISPP) macro. That way you won't have to duplicate your (binary) files' version numbers in hardcoded form (like in Tom's settings.txt
) - the installer compiler will simply read it from the files' version resources that way. E.g.:
#define AppName "My App"
#define SrcApp "MyApp.exe"
#define FileVerStr GetFileVersion(SrcApp)
#define StripBuild(str VerStr) Copy(VerStr, 1, RPos(".", VerStr)-1)
#define AppVerStr StripBuild(FileVerStr)
AppVerName={#AppName} {#AppVerStr}
UninstallDisplayName={#AppName} {#AppVerStr}
Furthermore, you can forward symbols to the compiler via the /d
commandline switch, e.g.:
iscc.exe /dSpecialEdition ...
and then later use these in ifdef
s to create different types of installer (stupid example follows):
#ifdef SpecialEdition
Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\MyCompany\MyApp; ValueName: SpecialEdition; ValueType: dword; ValueData: 1 ...