I am creating an Eclipse RCP application.
I am following Joel\'s advice in the following article \"Daily Builds are your friend\":
sure its easy, Inno project is a plain text file so you can even edit setupper script easily by ant, however I would recommend creating a separate small include file by your script. You can have store there "variables" such as version+build number that you show in begin of setup.
put this line to your setupper:
#include "settings.txt"
and make settings.txt have something like this
#define myver=xxx.xxx
#define tags
now you don't need to touch the actual setupper code from build script.
below is a snippet from my build script to compile the setupper. you need to execute batch file from ant like this:
sample batch build.bat:
set isxpath="c:\program files\inno setup 5"
set isx=%isxpath%\iscc.exe
set iwz=myproj.iss
if not exist %isx% set errormsg=%isx% not found && goto errorhandler
%isx% "%iwz%" /O"%buildpath%" /F"MySetupper.exe" >>%logfile%
goto :eof