I need to be able to create a WAV file using the mic in Android. Currently, I\'m having a lot of trouble. So far, this is my situation. I\'m using parts of the micDroid project
I have a lot of theories:
if not check queue.put and queue.take I think you don't need them because you stored your audio in and array that's enough. In the first while I would replace queue.put by a function to store the buffer in a huge array of bytes with all the bytes. Then you can put the header of the wav.
Remember a wav has the header and the bytes of the audio, maybe you have forgot the header and the program you are using is inventing a header to play it.
The other option is: you have the problem on the wav header of 44 bytes. check your WaveWriter function. if you write bad code on it, you can heard a lot of different sounds of your voice.
note: I had seen the function WaveWriter or similar on the source code of android but it had not been ready to use three months ago. Some new about waveheader?