I have a file uploaded by a user, and I\'d like to achieve the following.
You are not doing anything for failure of any chunk upload.
$.chunky = function(file, name){
var loaded = 0;
var step = 1048576//1024*1024; size of one chunk
var total = file.size; // total size of file
var start = 0; // starting position
var reader = new FileReader();
var blob = file.slice(start,step); //a single chunk in starting of step size
reader.readAsBinaryString(blob); // reading that chunk. when it read it, onload will be invoked
reader.onload = function(e){
var d = {file:reader.result}
data:d // d is the chunk got by readAsBinaryString(...)
}).done(function(r){ // if 'd' is uploaded successfully then ->
$('.record_reply_g').html(r); //updating status in html view
loaded += step; //increasing loaded which is being used as start position for next chunk
$('.upload_rpogress').html((loaded/total) * 100);
if(loaded <= total){ // if file is not completely uploaded
blob = file.slice(loaded,loaded+step); // getting next chunk
reader.readAsBinaryString(blob); //reading it through file reader which will call onload again. So it will happen recursively until file is completely uploaded.
} else { // if file is uploaded completely
loaded = total; // just changed loaded which could be used to show status.
To upload failed chunk again you can do following :
var totalFailures = 0;
reader.onload = function(e) {
totalFailures = 0;
}).fail(function(r){ // if upload failed
if((totalFailure++) < 3) { // atleast try 3 times to upload file even on failure
} else { // if file upload is failed 4th time
// show message to user that file uploading process is failed