I need a Linux text editor to replace Textpad 4.7.3 (a Windows nagware app), but all the alternatives I\'ve tried are either bloated or incomplete. Here are the features I find
I just installed Geany based on Kknd's post and it is SWEET.
I recently jumped from Mac to Linux (Ubuntu), and have been missing BBEdit. After months of bouncing back and forth between gvim and gedit and finding jedit kinda clunky, I believe Geany is the answer for me. Totally intuitive out of the box, lots of goodies when you start digging.
Not sure if it gets an A on the phyzome test, but certainly an A-minus:
Fully configurable syntax/color themes -- I just installed a dark theme created by Barry Van, but you can create your own if you want. Have to admit I'd never thought about mixed-language highlighting as a real possibility, so not sure about that one.
Multifile search, regex.
Directional and historical tab navigation.
Great auto-indent options (different brace modes, tabs vs spaces, you can even edit with tabs and have it autoconvert to spaces on save!)
I honestly don't think about "smart navigation keys" too much (beyond the basics), so can't really speak for that, but it does seem to have a lot of config options for keyboard shortcuts..?
Haven't looked into block-select mode yet, but Kknd says it's in there.
Run/Compile controls, Virtual Terminal Emulator for running commands.
Workspaces... doh! Maybe not. It does have a documents sidebar.. maybe there's a workspaces plugin somewhere?? "Add a couple things" is still way better than "build from scratch" ;)