I have a lme object, constructed from some repeated measures nutrient intake data (two 24-hour intake periods per RespondentID):
Male.lme2 <- lmer(BoxCoxXY ~
Below is how I've always found it easiest to extract the individuals' fixed effects and random effects components in the lme4-package. It actually extracts the corresponding fit to each observation. Assuming we have a mixed-effects model of form:
y = Xb + Zu + e
where Xb are the fixed effects and Zu are the random effects, we can extract the components (using lme4's sleepstudy as an example):
fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)
# Xb
fix <- getME(fm1,'X') %*% fixef(fm1)
# Zu
ran <- t(as.matrix(getME(fm1,'Zt'))) %*% unlist(ranef(fm1))
# Xb + Zu
fixran <- fix + ran
I know that this works as a generalized approach to extracting components from linear mixed-effects models. For non-linear models, the model matrix X contains repeats and you may have to tailor the above code a bit. Here's some validation output as well as a visualization using lattice:
> head(cbind(fix, ran, fixran, fitted(fm1)))
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 251.4051 2.257187 253.6623 253.6623
[2,] 261.8724 11.456439 273.3288 273.3288
[3,] 272.3397 20.655691 292.9954 292.9954
[4,] 282.8070 29.854944 312.6619 312.6619
[5,] 293.2742 39.054196 332.3284 332.3284
[6,] 303.7415 48.253449 351.9950 351.9950
# Xb + Zu
> all(round((fixran),6) == round(fitted(fm1),6))
[1] TRUE
# e = y - (Xb + Zu)
> all(round(resid(fm1),6) == round(sleepstudy[,"Reaction"]-(fixran),6))
[1] TRUE
nobs <- 10 # 10 observations per subject
legend = list(text=list(c("y", "Xb + Zu", "Xb")), lines = list(col=c("blue", "red", "black"), pch=c(1,1,1), lwd=c(1,1,1), type=c("b","b","b")))
Reaction ~ Days | Subject, data = sleepstudy,
panel = function(x, y, ...){
panel.points(x, y, type='b', col='blue')
panel.points(x, fix[(1+nobs*(panel.number()-1)):(nobs*(panel.number()))], type='b', col='black')
panel.points(x, fixran[(1+nobs*(panel.number()-1)):(nobs*(panel.number()))], type='b', col='red')
key = legend