I am going through hyperledger fabric V1.0. Need to know the internals of hyper-ledger.
1) How and where the blocks and transactions are saved in hyperledger internally.
Kostas answer for one and two are phenomenal. For question 3, the documentation has come along pretty far since March and the best setup I have found is here https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric/blob/master/docs/source/getting_started.rst It gives explicit instructions on switching to couchdb for the endorsers, a good explanation of the configuration files and tools and the script for the chaincode deployments serves as a great scaffolding to add your own deployments to. Another hidden gem in there is the docker-compose-e2e-template file which includes the certificates authorities. Pay close attention to the fact you need to edit that file, not the docker-compose-e2e.yaml file to be included when you do a./network_setup up. Also, if you look at the top of ./network_setup.sh it has the reference to the "copied" docker-compose-e2e.yaml that is commented.