I\'m using Google\'s new tools to start an application that has the ability to switch between three tabs.
I tried this wizard once and I think I threw away the generated code completely when I implemented this exact pattern with ActionBarSherlock, so I suggest you start with a normal "Blank" activity from scratch. Here is a small step-by-step guide. Not all steps are completely described, but you should find enough documentation with the keywords to get started.
1) Add ActionBarSherlock to your project (obviously)
2) Create a new activity that extends SherlockFragmentActivity
and set a proper abs theme
You should have a blank activity with an action bar at this point.
3) Change the layout and include a ViewPager that fills the viewport
4) Write your fragments (or placeholders for now) and the adapter for the ViewPager, wire these together
There are a lot of tutorials out there that explain everything neccessary here, e.g. this blog post.
This should give you an activity with an action bar and a swipable layout. You can swipe between your fragments now.
5) Add action bar tabs and attach a blank tab listener to them
actionBar = getSupportActionBar();
sampleTab = actionBar.newTab()
Make sure that you give each of your tabs an individual tag (a string const is fine). This will be used to identify which tab is clicked in a second. Also make sure that you keep the created tab instances in a class variable. You will need them later on. Repeat the above snippet for each tab. You can use a normal TabListener, but I recomment using the SimpleTabListener since you only need to override one method later.
Now you should have an activity with the action bar, swipeable fragments and (non-functional) tabs.
6) Fill the tab listener and connect it to the viewpager
private SimpleTabListener tabListener = new SimpleTabListener() {
public void onTabSelected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) {
final String tag = (String) tab.getTag();
if (TABTAG_SAMPLE.equals(tag)) {
} else if (TABTAG_SECONDTAB.equals(tag)) {
This should be straightforward. You listen for a tab select event, check which tab is selected via the saved tag and call the viewpagers setCurrentItem()
method with the index of the fragment that is associated with a certain tab.
Now you should be able to select a fragment via a tab as well as swipe around. You will note that swiping to a certain fragment wont sync the tabs accordingly, they wont get selected properly yet.
7) Attach an OnPageChangeListener to your ViewPager and select tabs accordingly
Again, you can use a SimpleOnPageChangeListener here as well instead of the interface. Short example:
private SimpleOnPageChangeListener onPageChangeListener
= new SimpleOnPageChangeListener() {
public void onPageSelected(int position) {
switch (position) {
This should also be self-explanatory. You watch for a swipe action that changes the displayed fragment, check it's index and select the appropriate tab. You see here why you had to keep the tab instances from step 5 around, you need them to select a tab.
Everything should work now.