I\'m just getting started with Android dev and playing around.
The documentation for getResources() says that it will [r]eturn a Resources instance for your applic
Resources have many helper methods that we may require.
R.id, R.drawable all return dynamic int assigned by android during build time. Suppose we have a requirement where we require to access a coutries flag image based on its name.
If we have image name as us.png and the value we have is 'us'. The 2 ways to handle it are
Resources res = getResources();
int imageId = res.getIdentifier(getIdentifier(countryName, "drawable"
The second method will be the way to go especially when there are more than 50 countries or you will end up with a very long if-else or switch statement.
The resources object is also used when you need to access the contents in the Assets folder
res.getAssets().open(YOUR FILE);
Resource instance can also be passed to other class files to access the the resources. These are some of the scenarios that you can use it for.