I\'m trying to write simple application in C# which will allow me to backup, zip and send over ftp my SQL Server database. One problem I have encountered is that I\'m not able t
Ok Guys, Magnus and dittodhole! Thanks a lot for your help. I have combined Magnus'es link to the article on setting up permisions on the folder together with some more research and finally I've got it :). So reassuming, I'm using Smo, and to create a folder with proper permissions I have to look for the group instead of win32_Users. Here you go a short snippet if someone finds this post he can find it usefull:
string tempPath = Directory.CreateDirectory("C:\\path_to_your_folder").FullName;
//set permissions
SelectQuery sQuery = new SelectQuery("Win32_Group",
"Domain='" +
System.Environment.UserDomainName.ToString() +
DirectoryInfo myDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo("C:\\path_to_your_folder");
DirectorySecurity myDirectorySecurity = myDirectoryInfo.GetAccessControl();
ManagementObjectSearcher mSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(sQuery);
foreach (ManagementObject mObject in mSearcher.Get())
string User = System.Environment.UserDomainName + "\\" + mObject["Name"];
AddAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule(User,
catch (Exception ex)
Again thanks everyone for your help! Stackoverflow rocks!