May be it\'s a dumb question, but I can\'t find the reason why php mail function doesn\'t work I have a nginx server on debian squeeze, I moved to it recently. I tried simple ma
Okay, I made it. How I made it for debian squeeze with nginx server: (all commands I execute from root user)
First of all you need to install sendmail
apt-get install sendmail
next, you must configure this file that was easier than I thought
okay, next step that I make was a php.ini configuration (I'm not a great admin, I'm a beginner, so I don't know is it necessary or not.)
I set
sendmail_path= /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
Okay, from this moment, theoretically, you can send email, but for my case it led to 504 http error gateway time-out. But as I found much later the email already came to email box. So, my test php file is:
That's pretty clear.
Next problem is 504 error. I go to the log files
nano /var/log/mail.log
and here i find this error (that not the only one error, but that one is responsible for 504 error):
sm-msp-queue[***]: My unqualified host name (myhostname) unknown; sleeping for retry
Then, to find how I can solve this trouble: last comment on that page.
Or another words I made this:
nano /etc/hosts
and in that file I change the order of the hosts my_ip localhost myhostname
save, done. open your test php file, there is no any 504 error and emails is income to email you mention in mail function. As I say, I'm a novice, and that may not work for you, but it work for me anyhow. This is not the end configuration, of course. Hope you find it helpful.