I\'m trying to configure Tomcat 8 to use Log4j2 for logging.
I\'ve found this reference for Logging in Tomcat using Log4j. It provides a sample log4j.properties file th
I followed the reference for Logging in Tomcat using Log4j and added tomcat-juli.jar to the bin dir and I also added tomcat-juli-adapters.jar to the lib dir. Afterwards i added the log4j-api-2.1.jar, log4j-core-2.1.jar and log4j-1.2-api-2.1.jar to the lib dir.
After that I added log4j2.xml to the lib dir. I kept the configuration fairly simple using a time and size based rolling configuration that zips the archived logs:
%d{MMM d, yyyy HH:mm:ss}: %5p (%F:%L) - %m%n
This way you'll get all logging in the catalina.log.
I'm still working on getting the accessLog to do the same.
EDIT: I found this site. this way you can direct access logging to the catalina.log. (I couldn't get it to log to it's own appender)
I didn't worry about the logging for manager and host manager, since we don't have them in production environments, but they might just log to the catalina.log too. I haven't tested it.
This was tested on tomcat-7.0.42, it should work in tomcat8 too.