I am using the solution found here to show client side validation errors in a tooltip using the qTip jQuery plugin. This solution works great for client side validation but I w
If there is a server-side validation error, when the page loads there will be a span element with the class 'field-validation-error' so we can simply loop over all elements with that class, extract the content or the error message, and display it in a tooltip.
$(document).ready(function () {
// Run this function for all validation error messages
$('.field-validation-error').each(function () {
// Get the name of the element the error message is intended for
// Note: ASP.NET MVC replaces the '[', ']', and '.' characters with an
// underscore but the data-valmsg-for value will have the original characters
var inputElem = '#' + $(this).attr('data-valmsg-for').replace('.', '_').replace('[', '_').replace(']', '_');
var corners = ['left center', 'right center'];
var flipIt = $(inputElem).parents('span.right').length > 0;
// Hide the default validation error
// Show the validation error using qTip
content: { text: $(this).text() } , // Set the content to be the error message
position: {
my: corners[flipIt ? 0 : 1],
at: corners[flipIt ? 1 : 0],
viewport: $(window)
show: { ready: true },
hide: false,
style: { classes: 'ui-tooltip-red' }
Here is a blog post that explains how to do this in detail.