Nowadays we have pretty advanced tools to iron out rendering, allowing to see the different stages, time taken by draw calls, etc. But without them the graphics pipeline is quit
Absolute time spent for small code/stage/etc. is not that relevant as GPU driver optimization/batching/parallelism/version makes it nearly impossible to have precise code measure without GPU counters. (which you can get if you use with vendors libs)
What you can measure easily is each single code change impact. You'll only get relative impact, and it's what you really need anyway. And that just using frame rendering time.
Ideally you should aim be able can edit shader or pipeline code during runtime, and have a direct way to check impact over a whole typical scene, like just comparing graphs between several code path. (beware of static scenes, otherwise you'll end with highly optimized static views, but poor dynamic scenes performance)
Note that scene state load/save/record are handy for a lot of other things, from debugging to undo/redo to on-the-fly reload, not to mention savegames. Add a screenshot taker + image diff, and you can unit test graphic code too.
If you can, add that to your CI server so that huge code impact doesn't go unnoticed. (helps also artists when they check-in their assets, without evaluating rendering impact) A must read on that related CI graphic test work is there :