I have created simple apps in local directory, that app name is Ionic-Chat-master
How can i make this to apk file?
i have tried the following command using git b
We need to execute below mentioned steps to generate .apk with gradle build system:
Through out the steps I have assume that I am creating 'MyApp' project
Step 1 : generate myapp.keystore file using below mentioned command :
keytool -genkey -v -keystore myapp.keystore -alias myapp -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
Step 2 : create ant.properties file with following details :
Step 3 : create gradle.properties file with the path to set ant.properties file :
cdvReleaseSigningPropertiesFile= <>
Step 4 : Use last command as mentioned below :
ionic build android --release
Note : You must have set path for : java, adb, jarsigner, zipalign
Your generated apk will be in build folder.