I\'ve set up the LocationManager to get the current location every 2 minutes:
locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 120000, 0, thi
this is my LocationListener implementation to filter out unnecessary onLocationChanged() events:
NOTE I use messages in my service.
public class GPSlocationListener implements LocationListener
//member variables
private Handler mParentHandler;//points to Handler of parent
private long mTimeBetweenLocationEvents;
private long mTimeOfLastLocationEvent;
private boolean mAccuracyOverride;
private float mLastAccuracy;
private boolean mOverrideLocation;
private static final float INVALID_ACCURACY = 999999.0f;
private static final String TAG = "GPSlocationListener";
public GPSlocationListener(Handler parentMsgHandler, long timeBetweenLocationEvents, boolean accuracyOverride)
mParentHandler = parentMsgHandler;
mTimeOfLastLocationEvent = 0;
mAccuracyOverride = accuracyOverride;
mOverrideLocation = false;
mTimeBetweenLocationEvents = timeBetweenLocationEvents;
//EVENT: onLocationChanged()
// send GPS coordinates to CommService
public void onLocationChanged(Location loc)
Log.d(TAG, "onLocationChanged() triggered. Accuracy = "+Float.toString(loc.getAccuracy()));
mOverrideLocation = false;
if (loc != null)
//if a more accurate coordinate is available within a set of events, then use it (if enabled by programmer)
if (mAccuracyOverride == true)
//whenever the expected time period is reached invalidate the last known accuracy
// so that we don't just receive better and better accuracy and eventually risk receiving
// only minimal locations
if (loc.getTime() - mTimeOfLastLocationEvent >= mTimeBetweenLocationEvents)
if (loc.hasAccuracy())
final float fCurrentAccuracy = loc.getAccuracy();
//the '<' is important here to filter out equal accuracies !
if ((fCurrentAccuracy != 0.0f) && (fCurrentAccuracy < mLastAccuracy))
mOverrideLocation = true;
mLastAccuracy = fCurrentAccuracy;
//ensure that we don't get a lot of events
// or if enabled, only get more accurate events within mTimeBetweenLocationEvents
if ( (loc.getTime() - mTimeOfLastLocationEvent >= mTimeBetweenLocationEvents)
||(mOverrideLocation == true) )
//be sure to store the time of receiving this event !
mTimeOfLastLocationEvent = loc.getTime();
//send message to parent containing the location object
Message msgToMain = mParentHandler.obtainMessage();
msgToMain.what = Constants.MSG_LOCATION_CHANGED;
msgToMain.obj = loc;
public void onProviderDisabled(String provider)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onProviderEnabled(String provider)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
this is implemented as follows in your main code:
//create the APIthread (which exposes mAPIhandler back to this service)
mAPIthread = new APIthread(mApiHandler);
//use the LocationManager class to obtain GPS locations
locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
locationListener = new GPSlocationListener(mApiHandler, Constants.LOCATION_UPDATE_PERIOD_MSEC, true);
//this will call GPSlocationListener.onLocationChanged()
//3 mins NOTE: approximate value
//no distance updates desired