I would like to plot multiple lines with MATLAB and do it so, that markers would be different in every line. I know that with colours this would be achieved with ColorSet
I am using a simple procedure to randomly create new styles for plots. Though it is not really an iteration but someone may find it useful:
function [styleString] = GetRandomLineStyleForPlot()
% This function creates the random style for your plot
% Colors iterate over all colors except for white one
markers = {'+','o','*','.','x','s','d','^','v','>','<','p','h'};
lineStyles = {'-', '--', ':', '-.'};
colors = {'y', 'm', 'c', 'r', 'g', 'b', 'k'};
styleString = strcat(markers(randi(length(markers), 1) ), ...
lineStyles(randi(length(lineStyles), 1) ), ...
colors(randi(length(colors), 1) ) );