I am trying to write a launchd.plist file for my node server. I am using forever to run my node server. I would like the server to start on boot. I would also like to wait fo
I had this problem too, but I solved it using an Automator app that runs at startup.
Open Automator and choose, New Application
Insert in your workflow "Run Shell Script"
Use this code in the shell script, changing the paths to your paths
export PATH=/usr/local/bin/:$PATH
cd /path/to/your/nodejs/app
forever start app.js
Go to System Preferences >> User & Groups and click on Login Items tab
Add your Automator app and be happy.
The important part of the solution is the first line of the script (adding your bin to the path). It would probably work to add a Startup Item pointed at a bash script too (and no Automator script), feel free to try!