I need help tackling a problem. I need a program which, given a site, finds and extracts the \"main\" picture, i.e. the one which represents the site. (To say it is the bigg
Another solution would be to extract the meta tags for social media sharing first, if they are present, you are lucky otherwise you stil can try the other solutions.
If you are yousing JSOUP the code would be like that:
String imageUrlOpenGraph = document.select("meta[property=og:image]").stream()
.map(doc -> doc.attr("content").trim())
String imageUrlTwitter = document.select("meta[name=twitter:image]").stream()
.map(doc -> doc.attr("content").trim())
String imageUrlGooglePlus = document.select("meta[itemprop=image]").stream()
.map(doc -> doc.attr("content").trim())