I did look in here: http://cran.r-project.org/doc/FAQ/R-FAQ.html#R-Programming
Wikipedia shows how to write an on the fly R program: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_w
I general you want to give your R files the .R
To run a program you can start R (by typing "R" at the command prompt) and once inside the program/interpreter, you can execute your program (let's call it "so.R"
) with the source command. E.g.,
> source('so.R')
Hello World
You can run the program from the Unix shell with
it will generate a file named "so.Rout"
that will contain the output of your program run, especially if it contains non-trivial amounts of output. If there is a problem with the program run, the error messages etc will also be in this file so it's a good diagnostic tool. An alternative is the Rscript command which sends its output to stdout, in which case if it's long you need to capture it yourself.
There is a very useful trick, when googling for R related topics it can be tricky because R is a single character. To be effective, pre-pend "r-help:" to your search terms. E.g.,
r-help:Running a program
Here are two manuals that might be useful/help you get started:
and also take a look at The R Manuals.
More information/FAQs, etc., can be found at the R web site itself. I have found that there is a lot of information on R (esp tutorials etc), but it can be tricky to find them. The "r-help" google trick really helps with this.