How can I modify the red/yellow/green window buttons for close/minimize/zoom in Mac OS X? There must be an editable resource or plist somewhere.
Here are the buttons I\
Okay, after a long and seemingly endless research cycle, I've located where the window buttons are stored. They're in a file called ArtFile.bin
in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework/Versions/A/Resources/
Also, a guy named Alex Zielenski with the help of Indragie Karunaratne created a utility named artFileTool to get to its contents. The second link is the code repository for the utility.
Here's the process to extract and then rebuild the resource as described on the MacThemes forum by a user named toutheme:
For ArtFile.bin - Lion
- Create new folder: TheFolder
- Copy the Lion ArtFile.bin (/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework/Resources) and artFileTool on TheFolder.
- Launch Terminal, type "cd" + "space" + (drag TheFolder on Terminal window). Type enter.
To decode ArtFile.bin and compile a folder Resources Disconnected Classified:
./artFileTool -d ArtFile.bin ResourcesDisconnectedClassified
-- or --
To decode ArtFile.bin and compile a folder Named Connected Images:
- ./artFileTool -d -c ArtFile.bin NamedConnectedImages
Edit your files with PhotoShop, for example…
To re-encode the Resources Disconnected Classified:
./artFileTool -e ResourcesDisconnectedClassified ArtFile.bin
-- or --
To re-encode the Named Connected Images:
- ./artFileTool -e -c NamedConnectedImages ArtFile.bin
For ArtFile.bin - Snow Leopard:
- ./artFileTool -d -l ArtFile.bin ResourcesDisconnectedClassified
- ./artFileTool -d -l -c ArtFile.bin NamedConnectedImages
- ./artFileTool -e -l ResourcesDisconnectedClassified ArtFile.bin
- ./artFileTool -e -l -c NamedConnectedImages ArtFile.bin
For ArtFile200.bin (Lion only):
- Create new folder: TheFolder
- Copy the Lion ArtFile200.bin (/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework/Resources) and artFileTool on TheFolder.
- Launch Terminal, type "cd" + "space" + (drag TheFolder on Terminal window). Type enter.
- ./artFileTool -d ArtFile200.bin ResourcesDisconnectedClassified
- ./artFileTool -d -c ArtFile200.bin NamedConnectedImages
- ./artFileTool -e ResourcesDisconnectedClassified ArtFile200.bin
./artFileTool -e -c NamedConnectedImages ArtFile200.bin
Make sure to check the size of the newly created file. (4.0-5.2 mb)
- Rename to ArtFile.bin and replace the one location in the CoreUI.framework directory
- Logout
I hope this helps anyone who got as frustrated as I did at how difficult it is discovering basic information about the inner workings of OS X.